

"If you look at the plan shape, the plan shape of the fish is the most used plan shape in the history of surfing. You look at early hawaiian boards, those paipos that they rode, the outline was similar, they had the full nose, very straitgh, but they were'nt swallow tails and had no fins. So just look at the plan shape of the fish, just the way it is, forget about the swallows. It is the most repeated shape in the history of surfing. And the reason it is, is because it is efficient through the water. Their is a lot of things out their in nature that are exactly the same shape."
Dick Van Straalen

Desde que el shape es shape, inspirarse en la naturaleza es lo que aporta la maxima eficiencia.
Introducimos un nuevo modelo en nuestra gama. Un fish. Veloz, fluido, y vivo en el agua.

Pocket Rocket
6'1 x 21"1/4 x 2"3/8
swallow tail - glass on fins
deep green tint work (with a dash of blue) - gloss finish

contacta con nosotros para saber más

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