




past · present · future




 flamenco and french gastronomy among other practices have just been incorporated
to unesco's intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
i would like to point out to the committee
that surfing is the oldest continuously practised sport in the world,
and that it still hasn't been added to their list.

that being said, pump up the volume, full screen this window, and hit play.




friendly fins

they get so close every time you paddle out
that nothing else really matters
not even the surf

unless you share a wave with them




fast forward



Robin Kegel; Tail mod from Kyle Lightner on Vimeo.

rk mesmerizing his entourage

4'11 Velosim from Beamer W. on Vimeo.

rl making magic happen 


body motion

this is how it all started
filmed by jack johnson



Derek Dunfee 6'0 Alaia Mexico from Derek Dunfee on Vimeo.

when you know the feeling
nothing else matters 


ground zero

Point Concept Surfboards': Third Stage from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.

shapers need point breaks more than anybody else


short tom

late afternoon at national's


long tom

Tom wegener 14 ft tuna. yep! from matt williams on Vimeo.

early morning at little cove 



surfers, jonesy and fc


the slick rebellion

Just pay attention to what is happening at your home break on any given swell. Fundamentally things have not changed much: fined surfboards are still used by more then 99% of surfers. Yet the few finless boards present, if any, will be the center of attention of the peak, regardless of how friendly surfers might be. This is the result of the aura, genius and true dedication of a few surf phenomenons such as Tom Wegener, Derek Hynd or Richard Kenvin. Most certainly many are already following their tracks.

The beauty of finless for a surfer was captured immediately by Tom Wegener when he thought about shaping again and then surfing his first alaia. At the beginning he rode it prone, because after having mastered his art as a fined surfer, riding a finless plank of wood was suddenly a new beginning and a new form of glide, one he had never felt before, and one that happened to be extremely difficult. Soon enough he stood up and so did the amazingly talented surfers that share his Noosa sessions, capturing our imagination all over the world, and stimulating some of us’ need to try it too.
Trying is what it is all about really. So I tried and still am, sometimes successfully riding a wave, most of the time struggling to catch them, but always with an intense satisfaction when it is done right.
Most people will not do it because they wouldn’t want to waist a good session on their dialed board. Too bad; but then most people don’t like to get out of the track either. For those who dare experiment the finless motion though, a new world of glide will open its doors to them.
What is happening is not a revolution. The shortboard was a revolution, when from one year to the next, almost all longboards were replaced in the water by shorter single fins. In spite of the fame finless boards have acquired in the last couple of years (mostly alaias to be exact), no significant proportion of surfers will soon swap their usual boards on a regular basis. And yet, everybody knows someone that has one in his quiver, should it be made of wood or of foam.
Neither is it an evolution. The evolution was Tom Blake’s idea to add a stabilizer to his surfboard and make it easier to ride and turn, followed by creative surfers and shapers fine tuning whatever idea was theirs at the time (Bob Simmons, George Greenough, Simon Anderson, etc…), and contributing to surf’s big leaps. Considering the type of boards we are talking about, taking the only element of balance out of the equation would rather be coldly considered as a step backwards by most surfers. And who could blame them given the level of ability and technique required to surf properly those new finless surf crafts?
Rebellion is what most accurately defines what is happening with finless surf, or to simplify, finless boards.

Alaias have been shaped and surfed again for 5 or 6 years. Seeing some of the best surfers in the world ride them the way they do is striking after such a short period. What will the surfscape look like in a generation, when some young surfers will have learnt how to surf on these boards from the very beginning?
Part of the answer lies in the efforts of finless shapers and surfers to come up with new type of slick boards, adding some volume to the genuine alaia. They will float better, paddle better, and most of all allow accessing much more waves.
History and memory is one thing, improving concepts is another, and as French say, there is no need to be more royalist then the king himself… Finless foam or hollow boards are not as fast and flexible, but they are much easier to surf then the thin wood planks, and still deliver that very specific joy and stoke.
The movement started with one man, interested in ancient times, skilled and passionate. He reproduced what he saw in the Bishop Museum of Hawaii, but didn’t hang it on the wall like others before him. He surfed it. Then shaped another one and changed things. He found out what worked and what didn’t, outlines, lengths, rails, curves, he explored all aspects and even found the best common wood for the job. If everybody talks about alaias and the absence of fins today it is because Tom Wegener dedicated so much time to this idea. He still is, and logically, the next step was to add volume to the alaias, which he did with what he calls the Tuna, a bodied interpretation of the alaia, made of wood, or foam, or even both sometimes. Every day in Noosa he surfs and experiments with these finless prototypes, changing materials, measures, and templates once again.

At the same time, other surfers also started thinking that fins were not that essential for a surfboard to surf and begun their own experimentation, following different tracks, and creating a world spread interest through the films, footage and pictures that can be seen more and more often as time goes by.
What Derek Hynd is doing in his world class South African backyard is mind blowing. His approach is so different from Wegener’s that it allows to believe that more and more finless shapes and directions will be available in a close future. Instead of a long concave and sharp rails to grab the wall and fly, Derek Hynd started cutting inches out of old boards, and shaping channels on the bottom, and foiling back the rails, then re-glassed them and went surfing to see how it worked. It obviously does if he can spin several times big J-bay without loosing his forward momentum, then take a highline and accelerate even more while launching himself again on the steep wall of the wave.
In California, the everlasting Hydrodynamica project led Richard Kenvin and his accomplice Carl Ekström to create finless foam boards. For them the approach was similar to Hynd’s, using deep channels to compensate the absence of fins and create grip. The concept was however carried out by a designer, expert in fluid hydrodynamics, which led in turn to a totally different result. And Kenvin started surfing and filming to show what was going on at Windandsea.
More recently, Ryan Burch, goofying around and having fun as usual, dug a little more into the planning hull bible (Naval Architecture of Planning Hulls, by Lindsay Lord, first published in 1946) and thought that maybe something even more basic could work. A rectangular piece of foam for instance, slightly scooped on the nose and not even glassed (why bother?). And their it is again, the speed down the line is so unbelievable with his board that when you see the footage, it almost seems as if the film was played in fast motion, making waves that would have possibly not been makeable with a fined board, getting deep in the barrels with nothing but a piece of EPS. The cheapest board ever …

Historicism, empiricism, hydrodynamic theory and application; whatever the method, a few creative shapers and surfers have recently decided that it was time for something new, that they’d had enough of fins and of the everlasting debate of what set up is the best. Now for them, and those who listen, it is no longer the issue. As a lot of people agree, we live the best time to be a surfer, and the best time to rebel ourselves against the monotony of the line-ups and the dictatorship of the top 44 surfing style.
Tom Wegener has brought to our attention again the possibility of surfing finless (standing up). Without him we would still have forgotten that not so long ago surfers didn’t even have a choice, and most of all without him, finless surf might still be only anecdotic.
The virus has spread and is now very active all over our surfing planet, though few people have yet been contaminated. It is so true for those who are interested in contemporary surf culture, that no good festival around the world forgets to show exhaustively what is on: Noosa Surf Festival, Green Room Festival, Surf Film Festival Ciudad de Santander, Surf Film Festival Saint-Jean de Luz, etc… every one of them is now fishing for the latest finless surfing premiere.

Let’s just keep in mind that, one of surf’s unwritten basic rules applies in this case: the less we are and will be the better.


meet the neighbours

neet and smooth



australia's finest


bad day

lennox, june 3rd, 7:30 am

lennox, june 3rd, 7:33 am


good day

monday, nsw


sea life


longer boards

segun tom, el tamano ideal es 12 pies. parece inmenso, pero en el mundo de wegener, una 9'6 es una tabla pequena. cuando surfeamos juntos en noosa, la furgo esta llena de tablas de madera, con o sin quillas, pero siempre me llevo el twelve footer. y si no fuera por el peso, pareceria pequeno al lado del tuna de 14' o del toothpick de 16'.
surfear una tabla tan grande y tan pesada es dificil pero merece mil veces la pena. la sensacion de deslizamiento es unica y efectivamente una tabla de 9 pies parece enana despues del twelve footer. con esta tabla se surfea en otra categoria. en el pico nadie te molesta. ya estas surfeando la ola mientras los longboards tradicionales no han hecho ni el take off.
y cuando los demas ven esta tabla deslizar, se apartan. tal vez porque no quieren llevarsela en la cabeza ...
ya se lo que necesito para el farolillo los fines de semana.


feeding time

en australia solo hay que seguir 3 reglas muy basicas.
no surfear solo
no surfear en desembocaduras
y encima de todo, no surfear al atardecer
obviamente, no he tardado mucho en olvidarlo todo ...
best time of the day at tea-tree


tube timing

4:30 pm, taken after another day long surf
it doesn't seem like much but take a closer look
right and left double over head barrels were just going off


mother swell

fue el otro viernes.
el dia empezo a unos kilometros de la costa, donde estoy quedando en casa de unos amigos. el jardin necesitaba bastante trabajo, y tenia planeado dedicarme al huerto una buena parte del dia. aqui todo empieza muy temprano, y despues de un enorme desayuno no eran ni las 7, asi que decidi ir a noosa comprobar el swell antes de nada.
y el milagro sucedio. llegue a sunshine beach y esta fue la vista que me esperaba. un oleaje inesperado habia entrado por la noche. las series llegaban cada vez mas grandes y limpias y no habia ni una gota de viento.
cogi estas fotos antes de correr al agua.
a las 8:30 me lance en la primera ola. surfee 4 horas sin darme cuenta. no habia puesto ni crema, ni licra ni nada de la prisa que tenia. la marea habia bajado muchisimo y las series ya eran muy dificiles de remar sin acabar en wipe out, especialmente con mi pequeno piglet.
sali del agua y como la playa ya no rompia tan bien, cogi el coche y fui directamente a noosa heads para ver como el swell entraba alli. me pare en camino a por una tableta de chocolate y llegue al aparcamiento de national park para ver otra vez condiciones perfectas. a este punto del dia, ya no hubo ni fotos ni nada. me tire al agua corriendo y surfee hasta no poder remar mas.
volvi a casa de noche, la piel quemada, completamente reventado y ambriento. y con un pequeno regalo de la policia local.
fue un dia australiano.
sunshine beach, 8:00 am, before it got better and better
a little mid-afternoon gift at national park


gold coast ?

no estoy tan seguro que la gold coast lleve el nombre adecuado ...
las olas son espectaculares todo el camino, pero es obvio que despues de byron bay y the pass (ola no documentada, pero surfeada varias veces) hay unos cuantos kilometros mas parecidos a cualquier otro sitio del mundo. el punto de inflexion es rainbow beach, el primer point de queensland, despues de new south wales.
alli se encuentra la mitica ola de snapper's rock, seguida por greenmount point, y luego kirra. cuando las condiciones son perfectas, esos tres point breaks conectan y forman una derecha de 2 milas ...
yo no lo vi asi. snapper's funccionaba, y surfee alli dos dias, con 200 mas personas luchando por las olas, y un take off brutal delante de la roca. no voy a negar que cogi olas que no me podia ni imaginar, pero cuanta espera y cuanta frustracion cuando tienes que renunciar a una ola ideal porque delante tuyo solo hay cabezas y mas cabezas todavia ... es una verdadera leccion de humildad y paciencia.
y asi es la gold coast, un point break y una playa inmensa, luego otro point break y otra playa inmensa, y miles y miles de personas compartiendolo todo.
eso a mi, no me gusta tanto.
por cierto, despues de kirra viene burleigh head, os suena no ?
take-off at snapper's, small day
burleigh head, middle section
surfer's paradise in the background


point lennox

i've been  surfing lennox head for 3 days now. the board works really well, even if taking off with a 5'7 is not easy at the point ...
 7 miles beach mid-morning session yesterday


moving on

singapour 7:30 am
28 celsius
humedad 90 %
next stop sydney


5'7.5 etc

prototype #2
flying piglet
mini-simmons interpretation
shape & foil fc
glass alvaro


surf as an art form

 a nice way to show it by matt schuster, ryan thomas and of course ryan burch



i'm a little tired of posting lately
sorry about that


r80gs 1986

 al final he decidido vender mi sistema anti atasco del verano
con el surf rack incluido por supuesto
 tal vez se venda por este blog


down under

daintily longboarding and twin-fining oz

more at left in vacancy


good day sir

fine tuned advertising
the kind i would like to see more often on the tv i don't watch

do you think they'll do something as cool as that for their new surfing division ?



2007 was a great year for tom and i
this is part of a project he has been working on lately

prends soin de toi amigo


rosa rosae




blup blup blup

glass processing, con reflejos de rosa para el cerdito


switch foot

jamie o'bien at backdoor

late afternoon at san diego

a nursery of elegance and talent


4th gear flyer

mat designed and hand-made by paul gross
get one


mister pickle

fine eclectic surf crafts and very talented tip walkers
can't wait for the final experiment


small surfing vehicle

new flying prototype about to be glassed
5'7.5 x 23"1/2 x 3" and a few blended curves

en castellano se llama el cerdito



a pair of hand foiled fins for a tiny board coming up



meet carl gonsalves
no son videos muy recientes, pero son para verlas una y otra vez ...



apart from tom wegener or derek hynd, richard kenvin is also leading an incredible investigation on finless surfing, in particular with the help of designer carl ekstrom.
rk is the man behind hydrodynamica and until we all get the chance to see the whole movie, he some time releases high definition short surf scene, as this one, which will probably be included in the final cut.

with the special authorization of rk and rt



hemos vivido los últimos momentos del shop. fue un desfile impresionante desde el anuncio del cierre de flying hasta nuestro ultimo día de actividad.
gracias a todos por haber venido, escrito, llamado, ayudado. no olvidaremos vuestro apoyo porque fue realmente increíble.
sois un núcleo de sabios surfisticos en constante evolución y nos apetece pensar que algo hemos aportado, aunque sea un poco presuntuoso.
vamos a seguir por otros horizontes nuestro aprendizaje y lo mejor que podemos desear es que cada uno de vosotros marque su ruta, ajena a este ambiente pre-fabricado que se nos impone a pesar de todo y del cual quisimos alejarnos lo más posible.

el blog sigue, pero será más personal de aquí en adelante.
yo sigo pensando en mi ultimo baño. fue un gran día, de los mejores desde luego. surfeo para surfear al día siguiente. y es que una tabla está esperando su primera sesión y sería un crimen no dárselo.
otra está en camino, pero eso ya, is another story.

flying longboarder
former independent SurfShop & galeria